Well, we're still here on vacation. Weather has been cooperating, we've been enjoying all the sites, and catching up on all the things we've been missing out on in the past several years. This past week we hosted a barbeque at Ian's parents' house for his parents and his sister's family, caught up with Ian's friend Ben, drove past the falls (and the thousands of toursits), toured the newly revitalized downtown strip, ate crepes, had drinks on Ian's sister's new deck, went for a few nice walks, had two picnics, drove along the parkway, and managed to stumble upon a battle reenactment at Old Fort Erie. We are clearly enjoying our vacation in Niagara Falls!
Only this isn't a vacation! We live here now!
It will be sad when we both start working again and our vacation time feels like it's over. But there are so many fun things to do here, especially in the summer! We are both wishing it could last at least until the end of the month...
Only this isn't a vacation! We live here now!
It will be sad when we both start working again and our vacation time feels like it's over. But there are so many fun things to do here, especially in the summer! We are both wishing it could last at least until the end of the month...
A nice spot for a picnic!
The bridge beside our picnic island.
The picnic island!
Buffalo, New York, as seen from Fort Erie.
The campers at the battlefield, the War of 1812. The battle depicted here actually occured from August to September, 1814, and was the bloodiest battle faught here. These were the Americans, who held the fort at the beginning of our viewing of the re-enactment..
Tents, and note the American flag flying at the fort in the background.
The British camp.
Waiting to begin...
I think these two were just hiding, trying to get a good view point for the scaling of the walls.
Explosions on the battlefield.
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