This is our lives in boxes.

This is supposed to fit in our car.
All packed up and ready to go. Waiting for the moving truck. Packed the cutlery. Had to eat my oatmeal with a dough hook, while balancing on an air mattress. Ian had a beater. It was good. It's hard to eat when you're laughing.
Then we're going to clean this place as fast as we can and make another quick trip to the Salvation Army. We donated a whole truck load of stuff to them yesterday.
Still not feeling excited. Maybe because there's too much to do? Still not sure if we're leaving today or tomorrow morning, but I think we've decided we can't sleep here another night. Our air mattress was cold, and uncomfortable, and doesn't seem to be filling with air properly. It's holding the air in alright, but took forever to fill. Friends of ours have generously offered their spare bedroom for the night and if we stay in Vancouver we just might have to take them up on that offer. My only issue is that we'd have to load the car, unload when we get there, load again, then drive to Kamloops. Then we'll repeat that every day next week on our road trip east.
Had a lovely brunch with said generous friends yesterday at our favourite diner! Had my last half Romero with Home Fries, and shared a peanut butter and raspberry milk shake with Ian. Delicious!!! Brings back a lot of memories of my first year here.
Then we spent an hour driving around trying to find a car wash after a bird, or ten, left ten lovely gifts on our windshield. There was an hour line up at the local car wash, so we drove south to where we thought there was one, and there wasn't. Then we knew there was one at Granville and 41st so we went there, but it's closed Sundays apparently. So we drove down to Marine Drive because we know there's a coin wash at 70th and Marine, but alas, it was a big dirt lot when we arrived! We continued our trek east and found one on Marine at Fraser, where we then sat for twenty minutes longer because the car in front of us was trying to use a code that didn't work. The oh so efficient attendant ran back and forth three times trying to figure out why it wouldn't work.
When we dismantled our bed yesterday we discovered that the vertical slat boards (it's an Ikea bed) have spots of mold on the edges!! We're not sure if the boards we keep over that also have mold on them, and we're not sure what to do about it. I guess we can try to wash it and dry it when we arrive in Ontario. Or just throw them out and replace them. I do NOT want to bring mold into my "new home!" No wonder we haven't been well here! There must be mold on everything! I'm re-thinking keeping the mattress too! Do you think it can be cleaned??
Followed up that exciting day with a voyage to Langley for dinner with my cousins and their significant others (whom I adore, just for the record!) I feel very lucky that I've been able to spend so much time with these cousins in the past several years. Not many other people in my family get to see them very often. I will miss being close to them! Being close to family at all actually.
Now it's 9AM and I'm sitting on an air matress with my bum on the floor, balancing my lap top against my knee. I've eaten my oatmeal with my hook, I'm drinking my coffee from a cup I will donate this afternoon. I'm waiting for Ian to get out of the shower. I've already had a phone call from a wonderful friend checking on my sanity. I can't wait to leave this apartment. I can't imagine leaving these people...
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