We get the keys around 5PM tonight. I have a million things to do today. On that note, I'm just going to copy the email I sent to my mother last night, giving you an overview of what the next few days are probably going to look like.
So Mom, you don't have to read this again.
Friday morning I work, and Ian works all day. Then I have a bunch of running around to do and things to buy... alarm clock, telephone, some more cleaning stuff, etc. Also have to do laundry, clean the bathroom at Ian's parents', and finish packing our stuff here...
Friday evening we should get the key, at 5. I guess we'll take a quick swing by the house to make sure everything's in order there. Then, we will take both vans (Ian's parents' new one, and their old one) to the mall in St. Catharines where our couch and chair are waiting. We'll bring those back to the house. Might leave them in the garage for now, so that they don't smell like smoke... but we'll see...
Then, providing it's not already too late and we're not already exhausted, I would like to get started on cleaning. Just a quick wipe down of the kitchen, appliances, and all three bathrooms in particular. The fridge in the kitchen is going to need some attention I think, we peeked in it last night and there appears to be some rust in the freezer, so we'll just have to see what we can do....
So then Saturday we'll get our stuff from storage, and bring it all to the house. Also, we have a load or two here at Ian's parents' I'm thinking... We're still debating if it will go into the basement, or into the garage... It depends on what kind of time-frame we're looking at to get everything done I suppose... Don't want to start putting stuff on the main floor because it will get in the way of cleaning, etc. But we do need to pick it up because there is a lot of stuff in there we'll need, like towels, dishes, some cleaning things, etc...
Next on the agenda is to pull down all the light fixtures, and wash those. Also the heat registers, they looked like they could use a good scrubbing... We want to take a look under the carpet in the master bedroom, and see how that floor looks for starters. We may pull that carpet up right away, if it looks pretty good, so that we don't get our bed and matress smelling like smoke, and we can set it up right away... Anyways, then we'll get on to removing all of the ten zillion nails and picture hooks in the walls, and stripping wallpaper. Then washing walls, and filling holes. Then priming. And have to do the ceiling too.
That should pretty much take us into mid November I'm afraid, and that hasn't included actually unpacking ;)
No, hopefully within a few days we can feel somewhat settled... But I guess we'll see!!
Phone, cable, and internet will be installed on Monday evening.
Mom's response?
Whew, thankfully I'm here when you're moving! LOL
(Here being Kamloops, not in NF where we are.)
On that note, I doubt I'll have time to update until we're in there. Maybe Monday night or Tuesday. I can imagine I'll be anxious to check my email and Facebook. Pathetic, I know.
Point being, I'll try to remember to take lots of pictures, and will update as soon as I can.
In the period of one year we got married, quit our jobs, moved across the country to live closer to my in-laws, and bought our first house. The story continues...
Friday, October 29, 2010
Monday, October 25, 2010
5 Days! 4 days?
Well it's nearly 4pm on Monday afternoon... Does that mean only five days until we get possession, or 4 days? I'm not going to count the rest of today because it's mostly over, right? But I will count Friday as a day because we don't get the key until around 5pm that day... But if I didn't count Friday it would be 3 days!! How exciting is this? Actually, I'm a bit tired just thinking about it, and the breakouts on my face suggest that I'm more than just a little stressed about the whole thing..
We did, however, find a couch, along with a multitude of other items we'd been hunting for. Here's the couch, only we got it in a really pretty green colour. We also got this coordinating chair in a limey-green leather... It probably doesn't sound as nice as I think it is. It seems to be a very trendy colour this year and will be very easy to accessorize with, I hope. I love the chair. I think that's what sold me. And the price, we got floor models for 50% off the regular prices (which is not the prices listed, by the way) and then the salesperson knocked an additional $60 off the total. Good deal I think.
We also got this set of dishes at Canadian Tire, but now that I am reading the reviews of them, I'm not sure if we should keep them. It says many of the plates have broken. But I guess that's okay for now, we can get dishes we like better at a later date. Or something.
Other items purchased include a new coffee maker, a toaster, a cheap paint tray with cheap rollers and brushes to get us started with priming, a jumbo carton of TSP, a duvet (for a really great deal at The Bay!), numerous cleaning supplies (spounges, Vim, bleach, scrub brush, dust pan, etc.), a full-length mirror, a laundry basket, aaand... Oh yeah, a few things from Costco (a set of knives, and some groceries we'll need this week and when we move in.)
I'm getting tired. Shopping made me tired. Sometimes I tear up for no reason at all. I just get sad and my eyes get all watery. For some reason I was thinking the other day about our drive out here and I can't remember what I said about it. I might have to go back and read it. But it was sad. I think I cried most of the way from Kamloops to Salmon Arm, and probably the only reason I stopped at that point was I had to drive.
I'm starting to anticipate my birthday. It's a big one coming up. Someone told me we don't celebrate adult birthdays here, we just go for dinner... I'm not sure I'll do anything and that makes me sad. I'm really missing my friends and family these days. When we were shopping the other day I came to a realization that made me very sad. I was looking at big tables and shying away from the smaller ones. I thought I wanted a big table for when we have all our friends over for Waffle Sundays, or maybe hockey games, or barbeques, or whatever... But then I realized we don't have that many friends here. In fact, I have none and we've only spent any real amount of time with one of Ian's friends here. He's starting to think maybe there are no others left. He's starting to feel a bit sad, too. So what's the point of having a big table for just the two of us, to remind us that we don't really have any friends here? He was hoping to make some friends at work, but finds himself working with people who are much older than him, and he's struggling to connect or to find anything in common with them. I'm not a "friend maker." I don't make friends easily. I do make friends, but sometimes it takes time. I don't think this two weeks is going to cut it. I haven't met anyone I really connect with, or feel I have much in common with. When I make friends, it may take longer, but I like to keep them close when I do. I like to think I make friends for life. Obviously not all friends, but I guess the point is I have a few very close friends, rather than a whole lot of acquintances or quasi-friends.
I know we're lucky. People keep reminding me. I keep reminding myself. We're very lucky we got a house. We're very lucky Ian's parents have supported us these past three months. But I can't help but think we'd be luckier still if I had a job. Or if Ian was making more money. Or if we were surrounded by our old group of friends...
So please come visit? I have one booking tentatively for April... Anyone else?? Accomodation with us is free! We will even let you eat with us! ;)
We did, however, find a couch, along with a multitude of other items we'd been hunting for. Here's the couch, only we got it in a really pretty green colour. We also got this coordinating chair in a limey-green leather... It probably doesn't sound as nice as I think it is. It seems to be a very trendy colour this year and will be very easy to accessorize with, I hope. I love the chair. I think that's what sold me. And the price, we got floor models for 50% off the regular prices (which is not the prices listed, by the way) and then the salesperson knocked an additional $60 off the total. Good deal I think.
We also got this set of dishes at Canadian Tire, but now that I am reading the reviews of them, I'm not sure if we should keep them. It says many of the plates have broken. But I guess that's okay for now, we can get dishes we like better at a later date. Or something.
Other items purchased include a new coffee maker, a toaster, a cheap paint tray with cheap rollers and brushes to get us started with priming, a jumbo carton of TSP, a duvet (for a really great deal at The Bay!), numerous cleaning supplies (spounges, Vim, bleach, scrub brush, dust pan, etc.), a full-length mirror, a laundry basket, aaand... Oh yeah, a few things from Costco (a set of knives, and some groceries we'll need this week and when we move in.)
I'm getting tired. Shopping made me tired. Sometimes I tear up for no reason at all. I just get sad and my eyes get all watery. For some reason I was thinking the other day about our drive out here and I can't remember what I said about it. I might have to go back and read it. But it was sad. I think I cried most of the way from Kamloops to Salmon Arm, and probably the only reason I stopped at that point was I had to drive.
I'm starting to anticipate my birthday. It's a big one coming up. Someone told me we don't celebrate adult birthdays here, we just go for dinner... I'm not sure I'll do anything and that makes me sad. I'm really missing my friends and family these days. When we were shopping the other day I came to a realization that made me very sad. I was looking at big tables and shying away from the smaller ones. I thought I wanted a big table for when we have all our friends over for Waffle Sundays, or maybe hockey games, or barbeques, or whatever... But then I realized we don't have that many friends here. In fact, I have none and we've only spent any real amount of time with one of Ian's friends here. He's starting to think maybe there are no others left. He's starting to feel a bit sad, too. So what's the point of having a big table for just the two of us, to remind us that we don't really have any friends here? He was hoping to make some friends at work, but finds himself working with people who are much older than him, and he's struggling to connect or to find anything in common with them. I'm not a "friend maker." I don't make friends easily. I do make friends, but sometimes it takes time. I don't think this two weeks is going to cut it. I haven't met anyone I really connect with, or feel I have much in common with. When I make friends, it may take longer, but I like to keep them close when I do. I like to think I make friends for life. Obviously not all friends, but I guess the point is I have a few very close friends, rather than a whole lot of acquintances or quasi-friends.
I know we're lucky. People keep reminding me. I keep reminding myself. We're very lucky we got a house. We're very lucky Ian's parents have supported us these past three months. But I can't help but think we'd be luckier still if I had a job. Or if Ian was making more money. Or if we were surrounded by our old group of friends...
So please come visit? I have one booking tentatively for April... Anyone else?? Accomodation with us is free! We will even let you eat with us! ;)
Thursday, October 21, 2010
I saw a big truck at the house today. Guess what that means? It's getting closer! I suspect it's the auction company picking up all of the beautiful pieces of furniture we can't afford to buy from Mrs. S. Once that stuff is out, I'm pretty sure most of what's left will be ours... I know there were a few pieces that her daughter was taking and I'm not sure if those are still there.
I still can't believe how lucky we are that Mrs. S. is leaving us so much of her stuff! She keeps saying she doesn't want us to think she's just leaving her junk. We keep trying to reassure her that it's fine, and we don't think it's junk at all! We have almost no furniture, so anything she leaves will be appreciated.
Next week we'll do the final walk-through. That will be really exciting! We'll get a sneak peak at what she's leaving I guess. I'm almost tempted to drive past the house again and see if I can get a look at what's coming out, but that's pretty creepy. And actually, I don't really care that much, I'm just excited to get in there ourselves!
I still can't believe how lucky we are that Mrs. S. is leaving us so much of her stuff! She keeps saying she doesn't want us to think she's just leaving her junk. We keep trying to reassure her that it's fine, and we don't think it's junk at all! We have almost no furniture, so anything she leaves will be appreciated.
Next week we'll do the final walk-through. That will be really exciting! We'll get a sneak peak at what she's leaving I guess. I'm almost tempted to drive past the house again and see if I can get a look at what's coming out, but that's pretty creepy. And actually, I don't really care that much, I'm just excited to get in there ourselves!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
10 days until possession day! We have been out shopping for furniture, electronics, appliances, accessories, paint colours, etc... We haven't bought much yet and I'm incredibly anxious to get going with things. I know we should wait until we're in there to see how things look and feel, but seeing as we've brought so little across the country with us, I'm anxious to have some furniture at least when we move in. We have a bed, a tv stand, and a bookshelf, but that's all the furniture we trucked over. Last weekend we bought a dresser and two night stands that match our bed. I guess we'll be sitting in the bedroom, and possibly eatting in the bedroom. It's all good, as long as we don't have company over - that could get a bit cozy! ("Here, please, come in, come sit with us on the bed!")
I'm particularly eager to have a couch, but Ian and I seem to have some difficulties agreeing on them. I thought we were on the same page when it came to colour (or more precisely, lack thereof), but when we were shopping this weekend I realized we may have a ways to go yet. He likes deeper and higher couches, because he's tall and has long legs and a long body. I like shorter, smaller couches; I'm short and I get tired of swinging my legs or sitting on my feet. But I thought we would probably find something in between. We found one he particularly liked, and I didn't mind, so we started talking about colour. I like the white, he likes the beige. He thinks the white looks unfinished, I think the beige does.... I told him we'd put some nice, bright, decorative throw pillows on it, but he's not convinced. It's a slipcovered sofa also, so we could wash it when it gets dirty! We left without a sofa. We're still thinking, apparently.
On another note, I started my two-week job yesterday. It went very well, though we were very late getting started that day, so I didn't get home until 11:30am. Today was better, I was home by 10am! (I started at 8am, but get paid for 3 hours no matter what.)
Yesterday, when I got home, I used my new Kitchen-Aid stand mixer mix up some bread dough (using my new whole wheat flour from the mill at Balls Falls!) It turned out better than I expected, though a bit heavy (as could be predicted given the stone ground flour!) More about the mixer: I bought it this past weekend for a fantastic price while we were out shopping for house things. It seems to work really well and I am super excited to make A LOT more with it. It's the pretty candy-apple red colour, and I'm actually considering decorating our kitchen around it, so that I can just leave it on the counter all the time. I'm sure I'll use it frequently, and it's awfully heavy to be lifting up and putting away all the time. Or maybe I should keep it put away so that I'm not tempted to bake sweets every day!
I don't know how we'll ever pick paint colours! There's just so much I like... I might be one of those people that re-paints their house ten million times; every time they finish they begin again... Also dreaming about re-doing the kitchen and bathrooms... Although that may be a bit over our heads for this moment. Once I'm working regularly we can talk about doing the things that are going to cost real money!
I'm particularly eager to have a couch, but Ian and I seem to have some difficulties agreeing on them. I thought we were on the same page when it came to colour (or more precisely, lack thereof), but when we were shopping this weekend I realized we may have a ways to go yet. He likes deeper and higher couches, because he's tall and has long legs and a long body. I like shorter, smaller couches; I'm short and I get tired of swinging my legs or sitting on my feet. But I thought we would probably find something in between. We found one he particularly liked, and I didn't mind, so we started talking about colour. I like the white, he likes the beige. He thinks the white looks unfinished, I think the beige does.... I told him we'd put some nice, bright, decorative throw pillows on it, but he's not convinced. It's a slipcovered sofa also, so we could wash it when it gets dirty! We left without a sofa. We're still thinking, apparently.
On another note, I started my two-week job yesterday. It went very well, though we were very late getting started that day, so I didn't get home until 11:30am. Today was better, I was home by 10am! (I started at 8am, but get paid for 3 hours no matter what.)
Yesterday, when I got home, I used my new Kitchen-Aid stand mixer mix up some bread dough (using my new whole wheat flour from the mill at Balls Falls!) It turned out better than I expected, though a bit heavy (as could be predicted given the stone ground flour!) More about the mixer: I bought it this past weekend for a fantastic price while we were out shopping for house things. It seems to work really well and I am super excited to make A LOT more with it. It's the pretty candy-apple red colour, and I'm actually considering decorating our kitchen around it, so that I can just leave it on the counter all the time. I'm sure I'll use it frequently, and it's awfully heavy to be lifting up and putting away all the time. Or maybe I should keep it put away so that I'm not tempted to bake sweets every day!
I don't know how we'll ever pick paint colours! There's just so much I like... I might be one of those people that re-paints their house ten million times; every time they finish they begin again... Also dreaming about re-doing the kitchen and bathrooms... Although that may be a bit over our heads for this moment. Once I'm working regularly we can talk about doing the things that are going to cost real money!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Giving Thanks
I spent a lot of time this Thanksgiving weekend thinking about the things I have to be thankful for. I am thankful for:

- my health.
- my friends' and family's health and happiness.
- my husband. He is supportive, understanding, patient, encouraging, etc.. Sometimes I wonder what on Earth I have done to deserve someone so wonderful.
- my mother and father-in-law for letting us stay at their house for three months, rent free! I don't know how we'll ever repay them.
- Mrs. S. for her generosity and kind spirit.
- our new house, even though we have a lot of work to do.
- sun-shiney days.
- red, orange, and yellow leaves.
- the smell of dry leaves.
- the smell of fresh rain.
- hiking on the Bruce Trail, particularly in the fall. 800km of trail from here to Tobermory for us to explore. I think we covered 5.5km yesterday, but seeing as we have to hike one way, then turn around and go back for the car, it was an 11kms and 2 hours... I am looking forward to much more of that though. Fresh air, crunchy leaves, the escarpment... Ahh...
- sales. Who doesn't appreciate a good sale??
- the internet, for giving me something to do every day, and helping me keep in touch with friends.
- work, even though my training is tomorrow and I'm really nervous. Then I have a test on Thursday and the possibility of a holiday position, on-call. But it's an hour away. But I've heard it could be $22/hour. But it could be night shifts. An hour away. In the winter. On-call. But $22/hour!
- yarn. I've been knitting up a storm. I hope you like scarves.
- books. I must have read nearly 10 books already since I've been here.
- Bejewelled Blitz on Facebook. It's given me something to look forward to daily.
- turkey dinner, with all the fixings, but no brussel sprouts! (Sorry Mom, I just don't like them!)
- a glass of wine (or two or three...)
- my wedding pictures, on the beach. They make me smile.
- any pictures of a beach, especially if I've been there. I like the beach.
- the sound of rain at night, especially when accompanied with thunder and lightning!
- peanut butter cookies.
- rice krispie squares with peanut butter and chocolate.
Saturday, October 2, 2010
It comes as no surprise that with every ending there is a new beginning. But sometimes, when I find myself at the brink of a beginning, I don't remember all of the endings that may be involved. For instance, moving into this house is an end to our renting days. It's an end to living with my in-laws. It's also an end to the seller.
We had the privilage of meeting her (let's call her Mrs. S) this week, for the first time. She is 80-some years old, and has moved into a retirement residence. She must weigh less than 100 lbs, smokes, and uses a walker. She asked us to come over so she could tell us a few things about the house, and so we could discuss some furniture and other items she had and wanted to get rid of. She has very kindly offered to leave us numerous items, free of charge, including two single beds, a dresser (or three), a "craft" table, a laundry drying rack, all of her garden tools, lawn chairs, a glider, knitting needles, a filing cabinet, a desk, garment storage bags, etc... I am actually excited to see what we find the day we get the house. We kept telling her she can leave whatever she wants. If she's just giving it away, or to goodwill, or to the dump, we will gladly take it and either keep it, or dispose of it for her. There are also a great number of items she is offering to sell us. We are waiting to hear what she'd like to charge for these items so we can decide if we can afford them. She has a beautiful dining set that we're particularly interested in. She is one of the dearest people I've ever met. I instantly loved her. She said that she hopes we'll have as many happy years in the house as she has. She's not sad to leave. She says she will not cry.
She's dying.
We're all dying, but some sooner than others I suppose. She's been on dialysis for a year, but hated it and 10 weeks ago decided to quit. Her doctor (whom she says looks like a Greek god) told her she may only have 3 weeks to live. She's lasted 7 weeks longer than that already.
It makes me sad to realize our new beginning is tied to this ending... I realize death is a fact of life. But I wish for just a little more time to get to know this woman, and learn her stories. I'd like to hear about all these items she's leaving with us, like the desk that was her husbands. It's huge, solid oak, and painted green because that was his favourite colour. Like the red oak tree in the front yard, and how the man who cuts the lawn says oak trees have no business being in residential areas, they belong in the forest, because he has to rake up all the acorns. The linden trees in the back yard: the one on the left is the female, the one on the right is the male, but she doesn't know why that's important. There are two naval maps on the walls, and she said they have significance, but didn't elaborate on what that was.
There are many stories in this new house we may never learn.
We had the privilage of meeting her (let's call her Mrs. S) this week, for the first time. She is 80-some years old, and has moved into a retirement residence. She must weigh less than 100 lbs, smokes, and uses a walker. She asked us to come over so she could tell us a few things about the house, and so we could discuss some furniture and other items she had and wanted to get rid of. She has very kindly offered to leave us numerous items, free of charge, including two single beds, a dresser (or three), a "craft" table, a laundry drying rack, all of her garden tools, lawn chairs, a glider, knitting needles, a filing cabinet, a desk, garment storage bags, etc... I am actually excited to see what we find the day we get the house. We kept telling her she can leave whatever she wants. If she's just giving it away, or to goodwill, or to the dump, we will gladly take it and either keep it, or dispose of it for her. There are also a great number of items she is offering to sell us. We are waiting to hear what she'd like to charge for these items so we can decide if we can afford them. She has a beautiful dining set that we're particularly interested in. She is one of the dearest people I've ever met. I instantly loved her. She said that she hopes we'll have as many happy years in the house as she has. She's not sad to leave. She says she will not cry.
She's dying.
We're all dying, but some sooner than others I suppose. She's been on dialysis for a year, but hated it and 10 weeks ago decided to quit. Her doctor (whom she says looks like a Greek god) told her she may only have 3 weeks to live. She's lasted 7 weeks longer than that already.
It makes me sad to realize our new beginning is tied to this ending... I realize death is a fact of life. But I wish for just a little more time to get to know this woman, and learn her stories. I'd like to hear about all these items she's leaving with us, like the desk that was her husbands. It's huge, solid oak, and painted green because that was his favourite colour. Like the red oak tree in the front yard, and how the man who cuts the lawn says oak trees have no business being in residential areas, they belong in the forest, because he has to rake up all the acorns. The linden trees in the back yard: the one on the left is the female, the one on the right is the male, but she doesn't know why that's important. There are two naval maps on the walls, and she said they have significance, but didn't elaborate on what that was.
There are many stories in this new house we may never learn.
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