Well it's nearly 4pm on Monday afternoon... Does that mean only five days until we get possession, or 4 days? I'm not going to count the rest of today because it's mostly over, right? But I will count Friday as a day because we don't get the key until around 5pm that day... But if I didn't count Friday it would be 3 days!! How exciting is this? Actually, I'm a bit tired just thinking about it, and the breakouts on my face suggest that I'm more than just a little stressed about the whole thing..
We did, however, find a couch, along with a multitude of other items we'd been hunting for. Here's
the couch, only we got it in a really pretty green colour. We also got this coordinating
chair in a limey-green leather... It probably doesn't sound as nice as I think it is. It seems to be a very trendy colour this year and will be very easy to accessorize with, I hope. I love the chair. I think that's what sold me. And the price, we got floor models for 50% off the regular prices (which is not the prices listed, by the way) and then the salesperson knocked an additional $60 off the total. Good deal I think.
We also got this set of
dishes at Canadian Tire, but now that I am reading the reviews of them, I'm not sure if we should keep them. It says many of the plates have broken. But I guess that's okay for now, we can get dishes we like better at a later date. Or something.
Other items purchased include a new coffee maker, a toaster, a cheap paint tray with cheap rollers and brushes to get us started with priming, a jumbo carton of TSP, a duvet (for a really great deal at The Bay!), numerous cleaning supplies (spounges, Vim, bleach, scrub brush, dust pan, etc.), a full-length mirror, a laundry basket, aaand... Oh yeah, a few things from Costco (a set of knives, and some groceries we'll need this week and when we move in.)
I'm getting tired. Shopping made me tired. Sometimes I tear up for no reason at all. I just get sad and my eyes get all watery. For some reason I was thinking the other day about our drive out here and I can't remember what I said about it. I might have to go back and read it. But it was sad. I think I cried most of the way from Kamloops to Salmon Arm, and probably the only reason I stopped at that point was I had to drive.
I'm starting to anticipate my birthday. It's a big one coming up. Someone told me we don't celebrate adult birthdays here, we just go for dinner... I'm not sure I'll do anything and that makes me sad. I'm really missing my friends and family these days. When we were shopping the other day I came to a realization that made me very sad. I was looking at big tables and shying away from the smaller ones. I thought I wanted a big table for when we have all our friends over for Waffle Sundays, or maybe hockey games, or barbeques, or whatever... But then I realized we don't have that many friends here. In fact, I have none and we've only spent any real amount of time with one of Ian's friends here. He's starting to think maybe there are no others left. He's starting to feel a bit sad, too. So what's the point of having a big table for just the two of us, to remind us that we don't really have any friends here? He was hoping to make some friends at work, but finds himself working with people who are much older than him, and he's struggling to connect or to find anything in common with them. I'm not a "friend maker." I don't make friends easily. I do make friends, but sometimes it takes time. I don't think this two weeks is going to cut it. I haven't met anyone I really connect with, or feel I have much in common with. When I make friends, it may take longer, but I like to keep them close when I do. I like to think I make friends for life. Obviously not all friends, but I guess the point is I have a few very close friends, rather than a whole lot of acquintances or quasi-friends.
I know we're lucky. People keep reminding me. I keep reminding myself. We're very lucky we got a house. We're very lucky Ian's parents have supported us these past three months. But I can't help but think we'd be luckier still if I had a job. Or if Ian was making more money. Or if we were surrounded by our old group of friends...
So please come visit? I have one booking tentatively for April... Anyone else?? Accomodation with us is free! We will even let you eat with us! ;)